Düsseldorf – K 2019

The world’s premier fair for the plastics and rubber industry presents everything the sector has to offer. Everything from the latest state of the art and trailblazing innovations to development visions. www.k-online.com Eesti Plastitööstuse Liit korraldab traditsiooniliselt taas ühiskülastuse 2019. aasta K-messile Düsseldorfis. Lend Tallinnast kolmapäeva 16. oktoobri hommikul ja tagasi tuleme reedel 18. oktoobri õhtul […]

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Motek 2019

The international trade fair Motek, which takes place in Stuttgart from 07.10.2019 – 10.10.2017, is the world’s leading event in the fields of production and assembly automation, feed technology and material flow, streamlining through handling technology, and industrial handling.

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Compounding World Expo

Compounding World Expo – bringing the compounding industry together. Largest concentration of compounding related exhibits in Europe. Co-located with the Plastics Extrusion World Expo, Polymer Testing Expo and Plastics Recycling World Expo. The exhibitions and their world-class conference sessions will all be free to attend.  

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The Plastics Caps and Closures Conference

This conference is a key event in the calendar of the plastics packaging industry, thanks to the commitment of our sponsors, supporters, speakers and attendees over the years. The 2017 conference will bring together caps producers with brand owners, providing them with a forum for dialogue that will help to build lasting relationships between suppliers […]

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